Monday, July 7, 2008

Back in Jerusalem

Iluh, Ky and myself arrived back in Jerusalem today (Sunday afternoon). This is unexpected good news for us as we had been informed that we would have to wait in Amman, Jordan for a few days for an Israeli visa to be put into Kys Australian Emergency Passport. I went to the Israeli embassy in Amman this morning to find that the embassy was closed to the public which is unusual as Sundays are working days in Israel and Jordan. However, I managed to talk to some staff that advised me that Ky didn't need a visa. This was different advice given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem but it was good news. So then I rushed back to Iluh and Ky and we hurriedly packed up so that we could get catch a taxi to the border with Israel. The border crossing is greater than 300 metres below sea level as it is very close to the Dead Sea. Ky traveled very well with no problems. He is 2 months old and already has stamps in his passport for Indonesia, Jordan and Israel! We were still not certain if the information we had been given was correct and so we were very happy when Ky was given a 3 month visa with no questions asked! Then we caught another taxi and arrived back home in Jerusalem within an hour.